Open Policy - what next

After three years of leading the simply brilliant OPM team in the Cabinet Office, we are disbanding at the end of the year.
Maria is head of the open policy making team.
After three years of leading the simply brilliant OPM team in the Cabinet Office, we are disbanding at the end of the year.
Well, as you will hopefully have seen on this blog, Open Policy 2015 is now done and dusted - and what a great week it was! We saw sessions on agile, Policy Lab, how to run a hackday, data science, …
On 24 January 70 Heads of Policy Profession and Digital Leaders met to share practical examples and experiences of Open Policy Making and to learn about some of the tools and techniques that can support an open approach to the policy process.
Our mission is to radically improve policy making through design, innovation and people-centred approaches.
We bring multidisciplinary expertise to help teams understand the present, imagine the future and design ways to achieve the policy impact they intend.
Our methods are grounded in evidence, participation and experimentation.
They draw on diverse perspectives, tackle complexity and build consensus.
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