On prototyping and putting something out there...

Prototyping might be worth a try. Just putting it out there…
Prototyping might be worth a try. Just putting it out there…
Imagining the future: lessons from the Jetsons 'Meet George Jetson'. George and his family - the Jetsons - were a 1960s view of the future. They can teach us something about policy futures too. In the 1960s, the makers of …
It has been some time since our last blog. The team have had their heads down (or, rather, their sharpies out) working alongside a range of departments on a dozen really interesting and interactive projects. We've supported them take prototypes …
Our mission is to radically improve policy making through design, innovation and people-centred approaches.
We bring multidisciplinary expertise to help teams understand the present, imagine the future and design ways to achieve the policy impact they intend.
Our methods are grounded in evidence, participation and experimentation.
They draw on diverse perspectives, tackle complexity and build consensus.
To commission us, email: team@policylab.gov.uk