Welcome to Open these, a regular post dedicated to the blogs, reports and discussions from the week we think open policy practitioners will enjoy.
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MoJ Digital are at the forefront of change: they've developed five principles of digital capability and are prototyping interventions to help people live out the first two, 'put user needs ahead of process' and 'start small and improve from there'.
Richard Campbell from the Government Statistical Service on why he likes engaging with the people who use his inflation stats.
Tim Harford writes about microlives - valuing human life for policy purposes.
Amy Cueva in UX Magazine on five trends in design to pay attention to.
Professor Paul Cairney is explaining policy concepts in 1,000 words.
A classic but new to us (HT @gquaggiotto) - 6 things citizens give government that nobody else can.
In December new behavioural scientists at the Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy spent a day learning about how to apply their field to policy making.
Martin Erikkson explores being user-centred, not user-led (via @LocalGovDigital).
Check out Nottinghamshire County Council's Digital Design Philosophy.
Carmen Medina in Forbes on why empower your organisation's troublemakers (HT @helenbevan).
Start thinking differently (also from @helenbevan)
Tweets of the week
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