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Start your week: smarter cities

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Start your week brings together trending topics and blogs on innovation and open policy making. It comes out every monday morning. You can see all of the previous ones here.

This week, Start your week right looks at the state of smart cities. With more people than ever living in cities across the country and world we look at the articles asking how better, more open and agile policy making can deliver cities that work for everyone in them.

  1. The Guardian's Tamsin Rutter has a nice beginner on the subject with '10 steps to building a smarter city'. It's a quick look at the big things to do and avoid as a policy maker and designer in a city. The most important? Start by working out the problems that need fixing.
  2. Next up, a blog from Nesta that looks at how the government of Seoul has realised collaboration and sharing is important in making a smarter city. They're using this way of open design and policy making with their 'Sharing City Seoul' project. You can read the blog 'Sharing City Seoul' here.
  3. With the digital revolution in government we've built platforms - platforms that enable everyone to deliver amazing services. Is this the future of cities too? Platforms of innovation and good user experiences? Gerard Grech and TechCrunch discuss with 'Cities as platforms'.
  4. And what about the environment? Smarter cities also need to be much, much greener and sustainable - but how do we do this? Check out 'The "boing" factor: the missing element in todays' cities' from Eco Business.
  5. And finally we look at food. Food is the fuel for our cities and recently we've seen some major scandals in the food industry. Which? Conversation used an open challenge days and research to look at the views of people to their food. You can read their investigation here.

If you liked this weeks 'Start your week' then make sure you follow us on Twitter (@openpolicyuk) and tweet us your interesting articles.

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