On blogging, silence and contemplation #2

A little less 'policy', a little more 'lab'. We'll be quieter than usual for five weeks, here's why.
A little less 'policy', a little more 'lab'. We'll be quieter than usual for five weeks, here's why.
Meetings are a great way to bring people in, build consensus and seek challenge. But have we thought deeply enough about why we are having these meetings?
We are lucky to have such a vibrant global community in government innovation. Every day we learn of new Public Sector Innovation Labs (#psilabs) and different ways to tackle complex policy challenges.
This blog is available on the What Works and Policy Lab platforms. It is by Edward Orlik of the What Works team.
We all want to be better at open policy making. And we’ve spent a lot of time in Lab working out how to do that - what works in real life, not just in theory. We recognise it’s not as …
By Carol Pizatto: Policy Lab is known for its diverse team of analysts, ethnographers, policy makers and last, but not least, designers like me. The team has also appointed the world’s first Policy Designer - as lobbied for by former …
By Jasmine Robinson: It’s a big question for a short blog post, but over the course of my three month placement with Policy Lab, it is one that has been constantly on my mind. The Lab is a mix of experienced …
We have recently been supporting the Housing Minister, Alok Sharma, and the Department for Communities and Local Government as they travel around the country to listen to the experiences, concerns and ideas of social housing residents - all to inform …
A welcome is in order this week... You might have seen our advertisement for a new Policy Designer earlier in the year. We had an amazing response and were privileged to meet many talented and interesting people. Today, we’re delighted …
A few weeks ago we spent a productive day co-designing possible interventions which might help improve experiences of the private rented sector (PRS). With an incredibly energetic group of people representing tenants and landlords, we shared insights from ethnographically-inspired research …
Our mission is to radically improve policy making through design, innovation and people-centred approaches.
We bring multidisciplinary expertise to help teams understand the present, imagine the future and design ways to achieve the policy impact they intend.
Our methods are grounded in evidence, participation and experimentation.
They draw on diverse perspectives, tackle complexity and build consensus.
To commission us, email: team@policylab.gov.uk