Keep up to date on news and updated from the Open Policy Making and Policy Lab teams.
I'm leaving both Lab and the Civil Service this week to join Deloitte Digital. But I know that I’m leaving a team and movement that is the future of the Civil Service. From its culture, to it's people and its ways of working; this is how the civil service will look in 10 or 20 years. And this is why.
The design journey of the Open Policy Making toolkit. Bringing digital and policy together.
After three years of leading the simply brilliant OPM team in the Cabinet Office, we are disbanding at the end of the year.
As many of our readers will be aware, with the General Election on May 7th approaching, the UK civil service is now going into purdah. Purdah is the several weeks before an election when the essential business of government continues, …
As you may know from some of our previous blog posts, we’ve been busy squirrelling away to create an Open Policy Making Toolkit. The aim is very simple – as the movement supporting Open Policy Making has grown, more and more …
Before I joined the civil service, I worked for a couple of years in management consultancy, working mainly with local government on improving efficiency, transforming services, and working better with citizens. One of the key lessons I learnt from that …
Well, as you will hopefully have seen on this blog, Open Policy 2015 is now done and dusted - and what a great week it was! We saw sessions on agile, Policy Lab, how to run a hackday, data science, …
Day 3 of Open Policy 2015 was the big one: six sessions with nearly 200 civil servants signed up to hear about ideas and examples relating to agile and iterative implementation. Today's workshops were: Government as a Platform, from GDS …
The second day of Open Policy 2015 was themed around using the latest analytical techniques. Due to some unavoidable circumstances a couple of the sessions initially planned have been moved...
From the first day of the Open Policy Making team's Open Policy 2015: a week of events helping civil servants key new ideas, skills and contacts