Skills, tools and techniques
There are a multitude of skills, tools and techniques you can use to implement open and better policy making. We're always looking for new and innovative ways to design better policy - here's where you can find out all the latest on tools to help you deliver better, more open policy.
Imagining the future: lessons from the Jetsons 'Meet George Jetson'. George and his family - the Jetsons - were a 1960s view of the future. They can teach us something about policy futures too. In the 1960s, the makers of …
It’s thrilling, working to bring some of the most innovative techniques in design and data to government policy-making; but with such a focus on delivery in this challenging and fast-paced environment there can be little time to stop, reflect and …
Trains are my favourite mode of transport. My favourite thing about trains is that you can gaze out of the window and see the countryside rolling by. Imagine if you could exaggerate that so that all of the walls were …
Bringing data into the design studio; and design into data projects: by Cat Drew, Dr Lucy Kimbell & Stephen Bennett A couple of weeks ago, we took part in a ‘data studio’: an experimental workshop hosted at an arts university …
I’m off to speak at Open Data Manchester this evening about both how open data and open working can make better policy. I thought I’d share some of the tools...
...specific to the topic, e.g. ‘things that will encourage people to travel by train’ or ‘things that will discourage people to travel by train’. Or you could set some more...
The design journey of the Open Policy Making toolkit. Bringing digital and policy together.
...- or prototypes - are in the policy world, and have been trying out sketches, paper prototypes and testing things out in the field. People are experimenting and interest is...
User-centred design is increasingly on the agenda of government and Civil Service Learning is gearing up to deliver learning on user-centred design next year. Read about how they're using the Policy Lab to help design the course.
...civil service. “We hope to get insights we wouldn’t get elsewhere and use them to create interventions we wouldn’t otherwise have thought of.” Barriers and challenges The culture within which...