Hunting dinosaurs in government

Following Virpi's post earlier this week about the Change Agent Network in Finland, we're delighted to welcome Elke, Nancy and Joke on how they are fostering innovation in government in...
People across the civil service, public and private sectors are delivering and working using Open Policy Making tools, techniques and design thinking. Here can read about their learnings and findings in the field.
Following Virpi's post earlier this week about the Change Agent Network in Finland, we're delighted to welcome Elke, Nancy and Joke on how they are fostering innovation in government in...
...the Change Makers Network? Change Makers Network, established in March 2013, is an unofficial but serious player in building up innovation capacity in Finnish ministries. It is a loosely organized...
Well, as you will hopefully have seen on this blog, Open Policy 2015 is now done and dusted - and what a great week it was! We saw sessions on agile, Policy Lab, how to run a hackday, data science, … in the basement conference room where the workshop took place, and got stuck in. They helped themselves to craft materials arranged on a table as well as flipchart paper,...
...applying the model to various extents - one during an independent review, one partnering with a blogger network during formal consultation and one example of working with one of the...
19 sessions and over 500 civil servants later, Open Policy 2015 is complete. After yesterday's rescheduled FCO talk on using social media, today we've had: What Works, from the What Works team Agile methodology, from GDS Behavioural insights for policy, …
Day 3 of Open Policy 2015 was the big one: six sessions with nearly 200 civil servants signed up to hear about ideas and examples relating to agile and iterative implementation. Today's workshops were: Government as a Platform, from GDS …
The second day of Open Policy 2015 was themed around using the latest analytical techniques. Due to some unavoidable circumstances a couple of the sessions initially planned have been moved...
From the first day of the Open Policy Making team's Open Policy 2015: a week of events helping civil servants key new ideas, skills and contacts
The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 required the Government to conduct a review of survivor benefits in occupational pension schemes. The review had to consider the differences in survivor...