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Policy Lab

Policy Lab mission is to radically improve policy making through design, innovation and people-centred approaches.

Making co-design more inclusive by overcoming language barriers

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Policy Lab recently worked on a project that explored how resettled refugees can participate in language learning that supports their integration into society. To explore this area, we combined film ethnography and co-design to learn from and create solutions with …

MANIFEST: What we have learnt so far from artists working in policy

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Policy Lab has a history of bringing experimental and innovative approaches into policymaking. In January, we wrote about the launch of MANIFEST, our new experimental initiative to evaluate the role of art in policy. As part of MANIFEST, the Arts …

Launching MANIFEST, our new initiative to evaluate the role of art in policy

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From left to right a photograph of the artistic duo Semiconductor standing by a circuitboard, Christopher Samuels sat in a motorised wheelchair in an art studio and Dryden Goodwin, standing in a road tunnel in front of sequence of posters showing his sketches

Policy Lab has an eight year history of testing innovative approaches to policymaking. Central to this story is collaboration between different disciplines, whether they be from the social sciences, sciences, humanities or arts. Some of the methods, such as design …

Cutting through complexity using collective intelligence

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opinion groups generated by Polis, based on the way participants vote (agree, disagree, pass/unsure) on statements.

This post sets out Collective Intelligence Lab’s reflections on our experiments to date and how this approach could be applied to complex policy areas such as climate change. What is collective intelligence? At Policy Lab, we strive to radically improve …

Tools for climate policy: 2) systems mapping

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This is the second blog in a short series on methods that Policy Lab has experimented with in the context of addressing climate change. It focuses on systems mapping as featured in a collaboration between Policy Lab, UCL and stakeholders in the UK’s industry and building sectors.

Tools for climate policy: 1) co-design in parallel to COP26

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Policy Lab, Skills, tools and techniques, Thought Pieces
Photo of Policy Lab team preparing for their workshop at the Design Council's Design for Planet conference at the Victoria and Albert Museum in Dundee.

We are sharing a short blog series on different methodologies that Policy Lab has experimented with in the context of action to address climate change. This, the first blog, describes a policy co-design process we ran last month at the Design Council’s Design for Planet conference coinciding with COP26.