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Blog Policy Lab

Civil Service

Imagine a new mindset: the policy designer

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I'm leaving both Lab and the Civil Service this week to join Deloitte Digital. But I know that I’m leaving a team and movement that is the future of the Civil Service. From its culture, to it's people and its ways of working; this is how the civil service will look in 10 or 20 years. And this is why.

Parents, partnerships and why platforms aren't just digital

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Platforms through partnerships I’ve been thinking recently about what we can learn from Government Digital Service’s organising principle of ‘Government as a Platform’.  This is the idea of shared digital systems or an open platform, first coined by Tim O’Reilly …

On loan to Lab

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I'm now over half-way through my time in Policy Lab, on loan from the Treasury to learn, employ and ultimately bring back new and innovative policy approaches. During my time at the Treasury I've learned a lot, about how policy …