Tools for discovering data

I’m off to speak at Open Data Manchester this evening about both how open data and open working can make better policy. I thought I’d share some of the tools...
People across the civil service, public and private sectors are delivering and working using Open Policy Making tools, techniques and design thinking. Here can read about their learnings and findings in the field.
I’m off to speak at Open Data Manchester this evening about both how open data and open working can make better policy. I thought I’d share some of the tools...
Policy Lab and the Social Investment & Finance Team asked MA students studying Service Design at the Royal College of Arts to grow the social investment market in new ways. This is what they came up with.
As I’ve bedded into the Open Policy Making Team, I’ve had more and more opportunities to introduce Open Policy Making tools and methods to audiences across Government and Industry. This is a real privilege, there’s nothing like seeing a team’s …
The Foresight Future of an Ageing Population project is part of a Government Office for Science initiative to understand the opportunities and challenges of an ageing population. The project has...
...the opposite? What would you do in 2040? Oh... hang on. These are hypothetical change cards that Policy Lab usually uses in quickfire brainstorming rounds to generate loads of -...
As part of Open Government Partnership action plan the Croatian Government is using transparent and open policy making to make better policy, and democracy.
David Excell from Featurespace looks at how big data analysis is helping the gambling industry meet new policies, and the opportunities this has for developing policy that understand users in the future.
We want to build a network of innovators and creativity around government. The GovLab has been looking at just this. Beth Noveck and Andrew Young reflect on what they've learnt and where they're headed.
...civil service. “We hope to get insights we wouldn’t get elsewhere and use them to create interventions we wouldn’t otherwise have thought of.” Barriers and challenges The culture within which...
...lives. DCLG and Government Office for Science hosted a "Digital Connectivity for Older People" strategic roundtable to help develop a Grey Cells-resource pack that provides links to place-based initiatives from...