Prototyping a new health and work service passport, which helps the user to reduce the amount of times they must tell their story to each service provider, employer signposting of the service which will help support...
Policy Lab mission is to radically improve policy making through design, innovation and people-centred approaches. passport, which helps the user to reduce the amount of times they must tell their story to each service provider, employer signposting of the service which will help support...
The Foresight Future of an Ageing Population project is part of a Government Office for Science initiative to understand the opportunities and challenges of an ageing population. The project has...
...the opposite? What would you do in 2040? Oh... hang on. These are hypothetical change cards that Policy Lab usually uses in quickfire brainstorming rounds to generate loads of -...
Do you have an ‘I really don’t know’ policy challenge? Policy Lab can help.
...- or prototypes - are in the policy world, and have been trying out sketches, paper prototypes and testing things out in the field. People are experimenting and interest is...
User-centred design is increasingly on the agenda of government and Civil Service Learning is gearing up to deliver learning on user-centred design next year. Read about how they're using the Policy Lab to help design the course.
...civil service. “We hope to get insights we wouldn’t get elsewhere and use them to create interventions we wouldn’t otherwise have thought of.” Barriers and challenges The culture within which...
...that a key measure of success was to reduce the time patients spent waiting.’* How radical the redesign ambition is determined in the policy, in the brief, designed into the... in the basement conference room where the workshop took place, and got stuck in. They helped themselves to craft materials arranged on a table as well as flipchart paper,...
...exist in a future world, and not hoaxing people into thinking they exist now. For the GO-Science workshop in Swansea last week, the research and design co-operative - Strange Telemetry...